Machine Learning with a Language Muse

Machine Learning with a Language Muse

Your typical voice assistant these days is humanized and goes by user-friendly female names such as Alexa and Siri (a.k.a. Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface). Familiarity is key. The key is to – Keep company only with people who uplift you,  whose...
Habits by Osmosis from those We Admire

Habits by Osmosis from those We Admire

You can always pick up a good habit by osmosis or because it suddenly makes good sense to take up some thing you learn from a parent, friend or lover you have grown to admire. Once I feel positive emotional resonance with someone’s pet peeve or admirable trait,...
Going Back to In-Person Learning

Going Back to In-Person Learning

Now that the American elections are drawing to a close, there is no need to sweat any bullets when it comes to keeping child-care centers open. After more than 8-months of restrictions and cautious masking and sanitizing work surfaces, it has become reassuring to...

Benefits of In-person Tutoring and Education

  If you have ever experienced it, having the opportunity to learn from a well educated individual or professional and being able to receive prioritized 1 on 1 time from them is one of the best times to learn and enhance our knowledge in a subject. Especially in...
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